Income Tax Preparation Assistance Available

Community Action Council, in partnership with United Way of the Bluegrass (UWBG), is offering income tax preparation and filing assistance to qualifying households through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. 

Qualifying households will have a 2024 income of $67,000 or less and reside in Lexington-Fayette, Bourbon, Harrison, or Nicholas counties. 

In-person appointments are available at our Winburn Center, and drop-off appointments are available at our centers in Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas Counties.  

To make an in-person appointment at Winburn or to see the list of documentation that all households are required to bring to their appointment, use UWBG’s online appointment scheduler available at 

Anyone with questions should call the United Way of the Bluegrass at 2-1-1.  

The tax filing deadline is April 15, 2025! 




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