
What is kynect?

kynect is one way that qualifying individuals and households can learn about and access health insurance options and public benefits in Kentucky.

kynect covers a variety of health and benefit programs, including understanding and enrolling in:

  • Qualified Health Plans (both with and without payment assistance)
  • Kentucky Integrated Health Insurance Premium Payment (KI-HIPP) Program
  • Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program (KCHIP)
  • Medicaid
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)

kynect can be accessed through the online self-service portal at or with the assistance of kynectors.

Who are kynectors, and what do they do?

kynectors are state-certified people who are trained to understand the health insurance plans and benefits available in Kentucky. They are able to help you find the health plans and benefit programs that could work best for you and your family.

Community Action Council has kynectors in Fayette, Bourbon, Harrison, and Nicholas counties who are ready to answer your questions and help you navigate the enrollment process.

Our kynectors can:

  • Provide you with fair and impartial information about the available health plans
  • Help you enroll in health plans and public benefits
  • Help you recertify your benefits
  • Help you determine the next steps if you have a complaint or need to file an appeal
  • Conduct public education activities to raise awareness of health plans available through Healthcare Enrollment Services

When can I enroll?

Enrollment for Medicaid, SNAP, and CCAP is year-round! You can enroll anytime.

Enrollment into a Qualified Health Plan takes place during the annual enrollment period set by the federal government (typically in the late fall and early winter). However, enrollment is also possible when a life change occurs (marriage, divorce, birth, death, or job loss).

How can I talk to a kynector?

Figuring out your options can sometimes be challenging. kynectors can help you find the right plans and programs for you, understand your benefits and rights, and deal with the paperwork and enrollment process.

Call and schedule a private appointment with a kynector in your county.

Our kynectors

Fayette County
Shaniah Walden

Fayette County
Marishia Hamilton

Fayette County
Joshua Whitt

Nicholas County
Robyn Cox

Fayette County
Lavonne Byrdsong

Fayette County
Rekaliah McKinney

Bourbon County
Shaniah Walden (temporary)

Fayette County
Amaya Ross

Fayette County
Andreina Gonzalez

Harrison County
Jessica Nolan

You can also find our kyectors at different events and meetings around the state. Click here to take a look at their online calendar of events and meet them in person.

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