H2O Help to Others Program™

Kentucky American Water’s H2O Help to Others Program ™ is teaming up with Community Action Council to deliver up to $250 in water and wastewater assistance to eligible Kentucky American Water customers. Eligible customers can receive assistance once per calendar year until funds have been exhausted. Assistance for past-due water and wastewater bills will...

Weatherization Assistance Program

What is Weatherization?  Weatherization is a long-term solution for making homes more cost-effective.  For the online Weatherization application, CLICK HERE. Have you ever felt the cold air coming in through the windows during the frigid winter months? Have you ever struggled to keep the hot air in and the cold air out? Did constantly...

Covid Housing Stabilization Program

Effective Oct. 18, 2021, the Housing Stabilization Program is now operated by Community Action Council, a non-profit community action agency serving Lexington-Fayette County. All applications are processed by Community Action staff and inquiries should be submitted to housingstabilization@lexingtonky.gov. You may also call (859) 280-8424. Applications for assistance are accepted by clicking the “Apply” link below. You will...

COVID19 Response

Though Community Action Council offices are closed to the general public during the threat of COVID-19, we are continuing to care for our neighbors. To schedule an appointment for emergency assistance: https://commaction.itfrontdesk.com/...

Workforce Development

Creating economic opportunity is a priority at the Council. Since joblessness and underemployment are central factors associated with poverty, the Council works to address poverty by helping adults with job training, skills development, and continuing education. Through partnerships with employment agencies and services, the Council connects participants to potential employers and works with them...

Early Childhood Education

Over 90% of brain development occurs in the first few years of life.  From birth to age 5, a child’s cognitive abilities and social-emotional skills develop rapidly. It is important that young children are provided with the resources to become happy, successful adults. Community Action Council offers several early childhood education programs for children...

Youth Empowerment

Project LIFE (Learning Independence and Fostering Empowerment) The state-wide Project LIFE program helps former foster youth learn skills toward achieving self-sufficiency during their transition out of foster care. During this year-long program, these young adults are provided rental and utility assistance, a start-up fund to help them first move in, and assistance that can...


Shelter is a basic human need. The Council believes that all individuals in our community should have access to safe, decent, stable, and affordable shelter. Unfortunately, people with low or insecure income are at increased risk of experiencing homelessness—especially in areas with limited affordable housing options. Many other interrelated circumstances can also factor into...

Emergency Assistance

The Council’s long-term goal is to create economic opportunity and support self-sufficiency. However, the Council understands that families living in poverty may need more immediate support, we can also offer emergency assistance in the short-term. When funds are available, the Council can help ease the burden on families in crisis by providing direct financial...

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