Special Message from the Executive Director: Head Start Works for Kentucky Workers

Speak with any Kentucky parent searching for quality, affordable early childhood education, and they’ll tell you—the struggle is real. Over the past decade, that challenge has only intensified for parents looking for something that will work for their families. According to the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, more than a third of Kentucky’s workforce are parents of young children. It is critical that we ensure their children are properly cared for and educated while they keep the local economy moving.

And that is where Head Start comes in. Head Start is more than childcare–it is a major piece of the workforce infrastructure that is keeping the Kentucky economy rolling and Kentucky families moving forward. It must be protected.

Through just one agency in the state–my agency, Community Action Council–more than 2,000 children and their families across 13 counties, from the urban center of Lexington to rural Jackson County and places in between, are impacted by Head Start. And just like the 26 other Head Start providers in the state, we would serve more families were we able.


Because Head Start is more than childcare—it is an economic engine creating decades of impact.

Our Head Start programs make it possible for more than 1,500 families in central Kentucky to get to work, get an education, or get engaged in a career-ready program, such as our Commercial Driver’s License training program that is getting people back on the job with the in-demand skills employers are looking for.

Parents are assured that while they are building a life for themselves and family, their children are receiving the early childhood education that is going to set them up for success years down the line. Community Action Council’s roughly 90% Kindergarten readiness rate speaks to Head Start’s deep commitment to families’ futures.

Because it’s more than childcare–Head Start is building resilient families.

Through its holistic model, where parent growth and achievement are just as prized as child achievement, education, health, nutrition, and family services work together to provide rigorous, comprehensive family advancement. Head Start specifically targets hardworking families with young children, prioritizing those who are most at risk and looking for opportunities to advance their education or career and thrive.

It is a proven path to success, such as the success claimed by a single mother named Casi. Casi joined our Head Start program in 2015 while trying to make it through Bluegrass Community and Technical College’s radiography program. Because Head Start was available to her when she needed it, she went on to graduate and live out her potential. Right now, Casi Hisle is in her third year of medical school at the University of Kentucky.

Casi Hisle now sits on our Board of Directors because the experience and guidance of local people matters. Local people, who are working for a better future, making local decisions is how we are keeping ourselves accountable to the public.

Recent data from the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy reveals a staggering 46% decline in childcare providers across the state, with half of Kentucky’s children now living in a childcare desert. Head Start is working for you, keeping the path to employment open and widening the way for new workers.

Head Start works and helps keep Kentucky working. Let Congress know that Kentucky needs Head Start. We want to work. We want a stronger economy. Head Start helps us get there. Let your representative know that Head Start works in Kentucky.

Contact your senator: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
Contact your representative: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

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